But then it happened. Without warning, I discovered a mad genius. Copernicus is his name.
The album I was lucky to discover was called Immediate Eternity. I was attracted to the album for myriad reasons, not the least of which because an old, crazy, long-haired man was bursting into the universe in a halo of flames on the cover. Awesome, right? Well, you got that right.
The music, though...wow. How to begin? Here's a quote from an article on Copernicus:
Not only is "From Bacteria" one of Copernicus' golden rants, bellowing and raw, harking back to a previously unrecognized Age of Microscopy, before humans or even dinosaurs began fouling the nest, it leads straight into one of his most cherished pieces, "The Lament of Joe Apples," a drunken Bukowskovian narrative by a fictional frothing bullman running his ego against the leash.I told you! Awesome. Read more here.
My friend Clare told me that her mom shows a fantastic high school history class video starring Clare, me and three other friends reenacting Odysseus but in "current" terms. This involved me creating a joint out of lawn grass and paper towels (and lighting it and having it literally burst into flames in my face), and the use of a canoe on the lawn and our friend Kathy throwing a wooden fish back and forth out of camera view. Clare, with her hair affro'd out in all directions, played a sea monster. Anyways, Clare's mom shows this to people in order to judge whether they have a sense of humor. And this is what I did with my new Copernicus album. Every time we'd hire a new person I'd play Copernicus and watch them try to figure out if I was serious. Good times.
Anyhow, it's worth looking this guy up. I promise, even though you'll spend the next hour wondering what the hell he's talking about, it'll be worth it.
You are a blathering genius! And that's a compliment. How come I never got to hear the majesty of Copernicus?
I'm actually surprised that I didn't force you to listen while we were drunk after one of our 4-hour meals! You'd love him. He's an absolute nutcase.
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